West Bronx Academy For The Future Home

About Us

Mission Image
West Bronx Academy for the Future is an integrated-tech middle school and high school. It is a small learning community for 600 students in grades 6-12. As a 6-12 school, our students are able to take advantage of a variety of different programs and facilities not available to smaller middle or high schools. In addition, students from our middle school are given instruction that is well designed to prepare them for our high school. 
Vision Image
West Bronx Academy for the Future is an urban community committed to accelerating student learning in a structured environment with a focus on technology.
Beliefs & Goals Image
Our school will have a strong identity.  Teachers, staff, administrators, students, and parents will all work together to make West Bronx an exciting and engaging learning environment.  We will offer activities and tutoring to every interested student 4 days a week.  Students will work towards regular incentive trips.

Events Calendar

News & Announcements

MS Literacy Workshop Featured Photo

MS Literacy Workshop

Please join us today @ 5:30PM - meet.google.com/qys-eaqw-rsn
Por favor, Ășnase a nosotros hoy @ 5:30PM - meet.google.com/qys-eaqw-rsn

Facts & Numbers

  • AP Courses Offered High school students have the opportunity to take 8 different AP courses with the opportunity to earn college credit. Courses are offered in History, Spanish, Math, Science, and the Arts.
  • 86% Graduation Rate For the class of 2018 we saw 86% of our students graduate prepared for college and career outside of West Bronx.
  • 93% Middle School Step Up Our class of 2018 8th grade students, 93% completed 8th grade and stepped up to high school on their path to graduation.
  • College Access for All College Access for All is aimed at ensuring that every high school will have the resources they need to create a college- and career-ready culture that enables all students to develop a meaningful postsecondary plan. Our College Access work begins early, starting in middle school!
  • Athletics At the Theodore Roosevelt Campus HS students have access to PSAL and Intramural sports teams. Middle School Students have access to CHAMPS Athletics.
  • Accelerated Learning All 8th grade students have the opportunity to take 3 Regents exams while in Middles School. Additionally students have the chance to take the Spanish Language Proficiency exam to earn 2 high school Language credits.